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CILIP Benevolent Fund


CILIP Benevolent Fund - here to help in times of need

The CILIP Benevolent Fund, which is an independent charity (Charity Commission 237352) with its own Trustees, exists to help both current and former CILIP (LA/IIS) colleagues and their families who are struggling with the rising cost of living or facing severe financial hardship.

Helping you

How the CILIP Benevolent Fund can help

It can help with any unusual or unexpected expenses that may be causing anxiety and hardship. For example, urgent house repairs; the replacement of necessary household equipment; unexpectedly large heating bills which a member in difficulties might find it impossible to cope with; bank overdrafts or other debts that have accumulated unavoidably on account of illness. These are only limited examples from the very wide range of difficulties which the fund has been able to help resolve. Please note that all awards of funding will be made on the basis of invoices or other documentation submitted, up to a maximum of £3,000.

Unfortunately, the Fund cannot provide: a regular pension; a supplement to a member’s income; substantial grants nor loans; membership subscriptions; veterinary fees; conference attendance. We also cannot help librarianship/information studies students with tuition fees, accommodation or maintenance. The Fund is a UK-based charity and is unable to support applications from overseas or for expenses from overseas.

How to apply for help

The Trustees usually meet three or four times a year, but have made arrangements so that they can act immediately and urgently between meetings. The usual procedure is for applicants to contact the Fund outlining their difficulties. It is important to emphasise that the business of the Fund is conducted with strict confidentiality. With the agreement of the applicant, a telephone call or a visit may be arranged to discuss the difficulty with the client and the way in which the Fund can best help resolve it. On the basis of this and the information derived from it, the Chair, after consulting fellow Trustees, will take a decision, usually within a few days.

Please ensure that you provide as much information as possible in your submission to enable us to reach a rapid decision.

Applicants are asked to supply their CILIP Membership Number in support of their application. Please note that to apply to the Fund you will need to have been a member of CILIP for at least 12 months. Former members should include their Membership Number (if known) or the approximate years of membership. Repeat applications will not be considered within a three-year period, and any individual would be limited to a maximum of three awards.

What else the CILIP Benevolent Fund can do

The Fund, as a result of its considerable experience, has built up contacts with a wide range of charities and other bodies, and has been able to supplement the help it gives members by additional help from these other bodies. In particular the Benevolent Fund from February 2022 has entered into a partnership with Better with Money, an organisation which offers financial wellbeing services and guidance. Some of this guidance can be accessed via webinars (which will be arranged as part of the CILIP webinar programme). For more information contact


You can find testimonials from recipients of the Benevolent Fund's monetary awards here.

Applying to the Fund

You can submit your application to the CILIP Benevolent Fund via the online application form.

Please note: If you have any technical questions concerning the application process, please email them to

Supporting us

At the time of your subscription renewal you can include a donation to the Fund by completing the Benevolent Fund box on the renewal form. You can also make a donation at any time via CAF Online, the CILIP website or by using the donation form contained in the Benevolent Fund leaflet. You may also be interested in making a bequest to the Fund for which a separate guidance document, A Will to Help is available.

About us

Meeting Documents
Annual Report
Privacy Policy
Benevolent Fund leaflet
A will to help

Contact us

Correspondence may be sent by post to:

John Vincent Hon FCLIP
Chair, CILIP Benevolent Fund
Wisteria Cottage
Exeter EX4 2JQ

or email